This post is a little collection of links to some short films about older people, their housing, health and social care needs:
Ethel and Ernest Ethel and Ernest | Official Trailer
Bristol Ageing Better Animation – working with local organisations to help older people across the city live fulfilling lives.
King’s Fund: Joined up Care (Sam’s Story)
We Care Together – Maggie and Rose’s story (Islington) The Young Foundation and Islington CGC on integrated care
Introducing Claremont Project (Islington) – A short film about the Claremont Project charity, who work with older people and offer classes and activities, from adult learning and the arts, to psychotherapy and counselling, arts therapies and keep fit
Dementia Friendly Crawley – Dementia Friendly Communities – Alzheimer’s Society
Alzheimers research UK Alzheimer’s Research UK presents #sharetheorange
Reunited: A Short Film about Music and the Human Spirit – discovering there’s more to people we don’t know than their dementia, and how music adds to our quality of life, wherever our home is.
I’d be interested to hear if you have any to add.