Housing in the Hendon area

This blog was first published on the MODA website in 2022. Hendon has a fascinating range of housing types which reveal much about social, design and architectural history in just a few streets. Far from being a sleepy suburb, Hendon is a place of rapid change: one house (with a plaque) has now been demolished [...]

By |2024-09-23T13:50:41+01:00May 2nd, 2024|Housing and History, Modernist Inspired, Suburbia, Unique and Usual Places|Comments Off on Housing in the Hendon area

Roles and Responsibilities in Housing and Health histories: Inspectors and Area Development and Redevelopment

As 2023 draws to a close and with so much bad news around housing, I am trying to finish on a positive note. In this post I have drawn together several pieces I have written for the wonderful Municipal Dreams blog https://municipaldreams.wordpress.com which celebrates the fundamental achievements in council housing and the commitment of so [...]

By |2023-12-31T08:44:16+00:00December 29th, 2023|Decline and Regeneration, Garden City Inspired, Housing and Health Research, Housing and History, Regulation etc, Suburbia, Tower Blocks and Flats|Comments Off on Roles and Responsibilities in Housing and Health histories: Inspectors and Area Development and Redevelopment

A quick guide to the development of Garden Cities and Suburbs

I've long been interested in the development of Garden Cities and #HouseHistoryHour (28 April 2022) offered the opportunity to share some of this information, now available as Moments and forming the basis of this blog. The Garden Cities movement was a response to poor housing in polluted cities and created healthier living environments. The movement [...]

By |2024-02-26T14:26:41+00:00May 4th, 2022|Garden Cities, Garden City Inspired, Housing and History, Suburbia|Comments Off on A quick guide to the development of Garden Cities and Suburbs

How very modern(istic)

Whilst some may criticise the ‘sameness’ of suburbia of the interwar period 1918-1939, looking more closely we can find numerous decent family homes set in landscaped places and some lovely examples of housing design history, especially those built during the 1930s. Development of suburbia was not of course an isolated event, but part of an [...]

Two estates, two novels

There are two novels written about the estates we are thinking about in this post, as different in many ways as the estates themselves. The estates are very interrelated and mutually used but they are completely divided by a railway line. Locals tend to refer to each of the estates respectively as ‘over the other side’ [...]

By |2018-06-19T21:17:16+01:00June 10th, 2018|Decline and Regeneration, Deco Inspired, Film, Garden City Inspired, Housing and History, Literature, Suburbia|Comments Off on Two estates, two novels
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